Friday, July 29, 2011

Hot Dog Eating Contest...and (Some) Theology

Greetings brothers in Christ!

Kicking off our first month focusing on "study," we decided to elaborate more on the Letter to the Ephesians. But first...we had to have our first eating contest. Please know this was in no way to be considered gluttonous consumption. It was just a fun way of starting the night: with good food and friendly competition rolled into one activity. Here are a few pictures, the rest can be seen on our Facebook account.

 Knight Jose is preparing the mighty dogs for the evening's festivities!

The battlefield is being prepared

The noble Knight fastens his harness of Truth
 Knight 'Gabriel the Wise' was chosen as the evening's official

The brave warriors pray before the enter the fray

And they're off in mortal combat! All fight valiantly, but in the end...

Knight Jose emerged victorious!

 After time had passed, the Knights convened for an evening of theological debate

But the time for peace would not last. For a short while later...

 The bloodthirsty Knights waged war once again!

The battle waged on as if for an eternity

But this time, it was young Knight Caleb who was the victor!

In Christ,
Matthew the Scribe

 P.S….Anyone think Jose threw up?

How 'bout now?!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Go, Diego, Go!

The Knights of Dei would like to send their prayers to Diego, who left on vacation to Peru earlier this week...

Please keep Knight Diego's well-being and safe return home in your prayers!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Our First Fellowship Night!

Greetings brothers in Christ!

I'd like to declare our very first Fellowship Night a success. Twelve guys met Friday for an evening of barbecue, volleyball, football and good conversation. Here are a few pictures, but the rest can be seen on our Facebook page!

 Knights Mario and Diego are the first to arrive

 Di-e-go settingpreparing the barbecue

 The rest of us set up the "dining area"

 Waiting for Knight Cody to bring the charcoal so we can light this party UP!

 Still waiting...

 Knight Mario provides a little entertainment

 Knight Jose just being...Jose

 Cody arrives finally and helps set up the makeshift volleyball net

And we begin!

 Waiting for the other team to (finally) serve

Knight Jim was (un)fortunately hit in the Reiser Family Jewels and needed a minute to catch his breath

 Even Fr. Roberto Corral, OP showed up a while. Mostly to make fun of us...BUT STILL

 Then it was on to some football!

 Young Knights at play

 The game heats up!

 All in all, it was a good night...

On behalf of the Knights I'd like to thank everyone for coming and hope you all had a good time. And we finally learned the secret to getting a lot of people to show up to a theology group: eat a lot of food, play sports and don't talk about theology!

In Christ,
Matthew the Scribe

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Charismatic Prayer Meeting (and our Hike)

Greetings brothers in Christ!

Last night's KoD meeting was awesome! We'd like to thank everyone who came. In keeping with July's month of Prayer, we discussed the healing Mass (for those who missed it) and the Catholic Charismatic Movement in general; went through Lectio Divina (Ephesians 6:10-17); were introduced to St. Dominic's 'Nine Ways of Prayer'; and learned how to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Here is a sample of how to pray this devotion:

How to Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet: 
1. Recite the Our Father…the Hail Mary…the Apostles' Creed…      
2. Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
3. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. (10x)
4. Repeat Step 2 on the 'Our Father' bead and Step 3 on the ten 'Hail Mary' beads.  
5. Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. (3x)
6. Jesus I trust in You. (3x)
7. Saint Faustina of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, pray for us.

We'd also like to send our gratitude to Jim Reiser for taking us on an epic hike through the Black Diamond Mine hills! Let's all have a good week. We hope to see you all next Friday at 7:00 pm for our next meeting. Don't forget to 'Like' us on Facebook!

In Christ,
Matthew the Scribe

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Healing Mass, yo!

Greetings brothers in Christ!

I wanted to thank all the folks who showed up to last night's Healing Mass. Unfortunately due to prior engagements Knights Cody, Jose, and I (Matthew) were unable to attend but heard it was phenomenal. A lot of prayer and worship was going on as you can see from these pictures. Visit our Facebook page see more!

Rest assured citizens, whenever there's an event at Holy Rosary Parish the Knights of Dei will be there to…

 Attend the event...

Help out...

Hand out KoD newsletters

Participate in activities...

And generally have a good time!

If any of this stuff looks fun, come to one of our meetings and check us out! Fridays from 6:30 - 8:30pm. 

In Christ,
Matthew the Scribe

Friday, July 8, 2011

Charisma? I think so!

Greetings brothers in Christ!

Tonight we will be meeting for the healing Mass at 7pm! In keeping with July's theme of PRAYER, we thought we'd experience a night of charismatic prayer because it's a little different then the kinds of prayer we're used to. It should be pretty good. Please bring your troubles and your worries and we shall pray over you! We'd love for you (and your families) to join us.

In Christ,
Matthew the Scribe

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Prayer Meeting

Greetings brothers in Christ!

I'd like to thank everyone who showed up to our meeting Friday and be assured our thoughts are with those who wanted to be there but couldn't make it. The month of July is dedicated to prayer. You can tell God works in mysterious ways because our first night of prayer just happened to fall on the day our parish has 24-hours of Eucharistic adoration (first Friday of every month). We ate some good food, had excellent conversation about what prayer is, how it affects our lives and some difficulties (as men) we share about praying. We ended the night with some time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I can't delve too much into what we talk about, but to find out more YOU'LL HAVE TO ATTEND A MEETING! I've include some pics from the evening and the rest can be found on our Facebook page.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to pray for you.

In Christ,
Matthew the Scribe