Greetings brothers in Christ!
Let me be the first to welcome you to our ministries’ blog. I am ‘Matthew the Scribe’.
Please don’t let our name fool you. We are not a men’s group specifically for medieval knights or ancient crusaders. Ours is a war being fought on our home front, not against principalities but with our spirits against the forces of secularism, consumerism, atheism and any number of things that hurt our relationship with God. We are a Roman Catholic Men’s Group devoted to learning and discussing theology while maintaining a Christian brotherhood that holds accountability for one another.
Our ministry in based on the four pillars of: fellowship, study, prayer and evangelization. The four pillars will be discussed further in subsequent posts; a brief summary of each will suffice for now:
1. Fellowship is very important for this ministry to succeed. In a world where men are continually tempted by pornography, opportunities for adultery and have grown weary or disinterested in their Catholic faith, this group hopes to help men who want to break free of these vices. There is a strict NO JUDGING policy among us. We’re all men, we all have the same problems and daily struggles. KoD employs a system of holding accountability for one another. In a caring and respectful way, we should call one another or confide in the group about impure thoughts, difficulties at home or struggles with the faith. As a group we meet regularly for confession at our home parish in Antioch. (Confession can be done on your own, but as men we find it easier to go to confession when we are encouraged and accompanied by friends.)
2. Study is one of our pillars because we belong to the Roman Catholic Church. We have the privilege of being part of a great tradition, but its rich history and advanced theology calls us to study it diligently. For those who haven’t picked up a book in a long time or are unfamiliar with Catholic literature, don’t worry. You are among friends! KoD wants everyone to know the information so we study together, helping one another through difficult texts. Obviously this isn’t all done in a classroom setting; most of the time it’s done at a restaurant or home setting, with a meal (and the occasional beer!).
3. Prayer is vital in this overly secularized, overly sexualized society. It is one of the most powerful tools in opposition to the spirit against Christ. As a community of brothers, we will be praying together frequently: before and after meals, before and after meetings, for individual members who are struggling, for the group during hardships, regular Eucharistic adoration, attending Mass and occasionally Vespers.
4. Evangelization comes with being a disciple of Christ, no matter what Christian denomination. We are called to give of the fruits of our study and prayer.
I invite you to keep checking our blog regularly for updates on events we (as a group) will be ministering to, theological events we’ll be attending in the Bay Area, lectures and talks we will be hosting (usually with guest speakers), meeting times and other information that will be released in the future.
In the mean time, continue praying for us and for our new ministry. And rest assured, we will be praying for you.
In Christ,
Matthew the Scribe