Greetings brothers in Christ!
I'd like to declare our very first Fellowship Night a success. Twelve guys met Friday for an evening of barbecue, volleyball, football and good conversation. Here are a few pictures, but the rest can be seen on our Facebook page!
Knights Mario and Diego are the first to arrive
Di-e-go settingpreparing the barbecue
The rest of us set up the "dining area"
Waiting for Knight Cody to bring the charcoal so we can light this party UP!
Still waiting...
Knight Mario provides a little entertainment
Knight Jose just being...Jose
Cody arrives finally and helps set up the makeshift volleyball net
And we begin!
Waiting for the other team to (finally) serve
Knight Jim was (un)fortunately hit in the Reiser Family Jewels and needed a minute to catch his breath
Even Fr. Roberto Corral, OP showed up a while. Mostly to make fun of us...BUT STILL
Then it was on to some football!
Young Knights at play
The game heats up!
All in all, it was a good night...
On behalf of the Knights I'd like to thank everyone for coming and hope you all had a good time. And we finally learned the secret to getting a lot of people to show up to a theology group: eat a lot of food, play sports and don't talk about theology!
In Christ,
Matthew the Scribe